Personal Finance

Pensions advice for 50-year-olds: four tips to manage your retirement


This series offers easy tips for managing your pension, for every decade of your life: in your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s or 70s. 

They say 50 is the youth of old age. But when it comes to retirement planning subsequent years will be pivotal to ensuring a happy, healthy and financially stable retirement.

Whether you plan to retire at 55, 65 or 75, at 50 you will need to make sure your plan is on track. It is never too late to start saving towards retirement but by 50 the clock is ticking. If you are only starting to put money aside then you will need to maximise how much is being squirreled away each month. 

Here are a few tips for those wanting to get their pension plans in order.

1. Set out your goals

It is important to have clear plan of what you want to achieve. Set out a budget for what you will need to live on to enjoy your retirement. Pool together all your pension pots, savings and other sources of income, such as the state pension. 

David Stevens, of insurance provider LV, said there is still time to bolster your nest-egg as long you have your target in mind. 

Your 50s are a good time to maximise pension contributions because your earnings are likely to be near their peak and you will have paid off some big expenses such as a mortgage.

He said: “Typically for most of us there are trade-offs between how long you plan to work, lifestyle and finances that need to be made, but beginning to put some shape on these and writing them down is helpful.”

This includes the way you may want to take your pension, for instance if you plan to take out an annuity or keep your savings invested in the stock market and live off the income.

2. Know your access

A whole range of options open up to you from the age of 55, as you have the freedom to access your pension savings. You can take 25pc of your pension as cash and tax free. Anything on top will be taxed the same as income. 

Just because you can access your hard-earned retirement money does not mean you should, warned Tom Selby, of AJ Bell, a pension provider. 

The earlier you access your pension the longer it will have to last – and if you draw too much you risk running out of money in your later years.

He said: “Assuming a saver with a £100,000 fund needs £5,000 a year to fund their lifestyle, with the income going up each year in line with 2pc expected inflation. 

“If they achieve investment returns of 4pc after charges, their fund could be expected to last around 25 years. For someone taking an income from age 55, that implies running out of money by 80.”

Six things you can do with your pension from 55

Life expectancy at age 55 is 84 for men and 87 for women so there is a good chance the latter years would be spent relying solely on the state pension. The flat-rate state pension is currently worth £175.20 a week or just over £9,000 a year.

Those over 55 making a withdrawal from their pension should be aware of the tax implications. Taking money out of your pension pot will trigger the “money purchase annual allowance”. This means the amount you can save back into a pension while still getting tax relief falls from £40,000 to just £4,000 a year.

There are tricks to avoid triggering the allowance. These include buying an annuity, only taking your 25pc tax-free cash or a ‘small pots’ withdrawal – where you take out all your savings if the pension is worth £10,000 or less.

3. Check your investments

The way you plan to use your savings in retirement should dictate the way it is invested. 

A 55-year-old planning to stop working at 60 and use their entire fund to buy an annuity should reduce the amount of investment risk and be slowly moving away from stocks and shares into bonds and cash, Mr Selby said. The same could be said for those who plan to take their entire fund as cash.


Otherwise, Mr Selby said, you will be "hostage to fortune". Annuities are bought by trading in cash or bonds and so holding these in advance protects your pension from falling if stock markets collapse. If a saver approaching retirement is invested in stocks and markets fall, they will have to accept a lower income or delay retirement.

Pension Pot Calculator 2019

If you are going to keep your pension pots invested and live off the income then it is worth reviewing your investments and make any changes required in advance,

4. Consolidate your pensions

You are likely to have several pensions from employers that have accumulated significant amounts. You should aim to keep on top of all of your workplace pensions and notify your pension provider if you change address. 

As retirement edges closer you may want to track down any old pension you have and consolidate them. This can often be a chance to pay less in charges and is easier to manage. 

The Government runs a pension tracking service, which can be helpful for locating old pots.

But it is not always in your best interest to transfer your pensions. Some older-style pensions have valuable guarantees attached that are lost if you switch providers while others may charge exit fees. You should speak to your existing provider before making a transfer. 


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